October 8 - 12
Our annual Oktoberfest will take place Tuesday, October 8 through Saturday,
October 12. Weeknight time is 6 - 9 PM and Friday and Saturday time is 6 - 10PM. ​
Please consider volunteering to help us
succeed once again! We have lots of
opportunities to help while having fun.
Volunteers can register at https://www.signupgenius.com/go/5080A4DA
You can also provide support by placing a
Family and/or Business Sponsorship.
Advanced tickets are being sold after all
Masses through October 6th with an option
for VENMO.
In addition to our regular food items, are
food specials are as follows:
Thursday - Shepherd's Pie by Hanrahans
Friday - Meatball Sandwiches by PICA's
Saturday - Roast Pork Sandwiches by
John Serock Catering
October 27
Anniversary Mass - Renewal of Vows
St. Dorothy Parish invites all couples celebrating their wedding anniversary
in increments of five years in 2024 to renew their wedding vows in the presence of the Lord on Sunday, October 27th at the 9:30AM Mass. All couples married in 2019, 2014, 2009, 2004, 1999, 1994, 1989, 1984, 1979, 1974 and all couples married any year prior to 1974 are encouraged to attend this special Mass. We are also inviting all couples who celebrated their first wedding anniversary in 2024. Your children, grandchildren, family members, and friends are all welcome to join you as we thank God for your many years of caring and love for each other.
The form is available next to the parish bulletins. Please fill out the form and return it in the collection basket, the rectory, or complete the form online via the link on the parish website at https://www.stdotsdrexelhill.org
on or before October 17th. All couples will be acknowledged in the parish bulletin on October 27th. A special section in the church will be set aside for you and your family members. We look forward to celebrating this special occasion with you!